Following are the standards as drawn up and accepted by the Boer Goat Breeders’ Association of South Africa. The aim of the breeding standards is to improve the breed and to increase the economic value.
● A strong head with large soft brown eyes and without an untamed or wild look. A strong, Slightly curved nose, wide nostrils, and strong well formed mouth with well-fitted jaws. Up to 6 teeth must show a perfect bite. Eight tooth olds and older may show 6mm protrusion. Permanent
● Teeth must cut in the correct anatomical place. The forehead must be prominently curved linking up with the curve of nose and horns. Horns should be strong, of moderate length and placed moderately apart with a gradual backward curve. Horns have to be as round and solid as possible and in dark colour.
● Ears are to be broad, smooth and of medium length hanging downwards from the head. Ears that are too short are undesirable.
● Characteristic cull defects: Concave fore-head, horns too straight or too flat: the tips of the horns must not press against the neck, pointed jaw; ears folded (lengthwise), stiff protruding ears, ears too short, over- or undershot jaw and blue eyes.
Neck and Forequarters:
● A Neck of moderate length in proportion to the length of the body, full and well-fleshed and well-joined to the forequarter, is essential. The breastbone should be broad with a deep, broad brisket. The shoulder should be fleshy, in proportion to the body and be well-fitted to the withers. The withers should be broad and as well fitted as possible (not sharp). The front legs should be of medium length and in proportion to the depth of the body. The legs should be strong and well-placed, with strong pastern joints and well formed hoofs which are as dark as possible.
● Characteristic cull defects: Too long, thin neck; too short neck, shoulders too loose.
● The ideal is a long, deep broad barrel. The ribs must be well sprung and fleshed, and The loins as well filled as possible. The goat should have a broad, fairly straight back and must not be pinched behind the shoulders. Characteristic cull defects: Back too concave, too slab-sided, too cylindrical or pinched behind the shoulder.
● The Boer Goat should have a broad and long rump, not sloping too much, well fleshed buttocks which are not too flat, and have fully fleshed thighs. The tail must be straight where it grows out of the dock and then may swing to either side.
● Characteristic cull defects: A rump that hangs too much or is too short. A long shank or flat buttocks.
● Emphasis should be placed on the legs which should be strong (of good texture) and well-placed. Too fleshy legs are undesirable. Strong legs imply hardiness and a strong Constitution, which are absolutely essential characteristics of the Boer Goat. Characteristic cull defects: Knock knees, bandy legs, cow hocked or post legged or sickle hocked. Legs too thin or too fleshy. Weak pasterns and hoofs pointing outwards or inwards.
Skin and Covering:
● A loose supple skin with sufficient chest and neck skin folds, especially in the case of rams, is essential. Eyelids and hairless parts must be pigmented. The hairless skin under the tail should have 75% pigmentation for stud purposes, with 100% pigmentation the ideal. Short, glossy hair is desirable. A limited amount of fur will be tolerated during winter months.
● Characteristic cull defects: Covering too long and coarse or too furry.
Sex Organs
Well-formed udder firmly attached with teats. Teat types – Teat Table: Teat types 9, 10, 11 & 12 as illustrated in Boer Goat Breeders’ Association Teat Table will change from cull teats to flock teats, with the understanding that The teats are functionally effective, i.e. the ewe must be able to suckle her kids effectively. This must be seen to be a temporary amendment until such time as scientific research into teats may necessitate a different decision. This amendment has been made with the express purpose of increasing the commercial flocks in South Africa. Teat types: Shows: Goats with the teat types referred to above may not take part in Shows in South Africa. Teat types: Auctions: Goats with the teat types referred to above may be put up for sale as flock goats, at regional, club and production auctions from 1 November 2008 on the condition that the inspectors deem that the teats are functionally effective. Goats with teat types 9, 10, 11 & 12 may, however not be auctioned at the National Auction and World Show Auction.
Two reasonably large, well-formed, healthy and equal sized testes in one scrotum. A scrotum with a split no larger than 5cm is permissible. The scrotum must be at least 25cm in circumference. Characteristic cull defects: Bunched, calabash or split teats. Testes too small, a scrotum with more than a 5 cm split, a twisted scrotum.
● Is indicated by the following characteristics: This is achieved with short glossy hair and a fine lustre, and ennobled appearance, especially with a strong head, rounded horn bent backward, loose thick, supple, folds of skin (particularly with rams) and short smooth glossy hair. In addition to the above mentioned qualities, the goat must have a lively appearance.
● The ideal is an average sized heavy goatfor maximum meat production. A desirable ratio between length of leg and depth of body should be achieved at all ages. Lambs should tend to be longer in the leg. Characteristic cull defects: Goats too large or too small (pony).
● The ideal is a white goat with a red head and ears, a white blaze and fully pigmented skin. Shadings between light and dark red are permissible. The minimum requirement for a stud animal is a patch of at least 10cm in diameter on both sides of the head, ears excluded. Both ears should have at least 75% red colouring and with 75% pigmentation.
● As from 1 November 2008, a goat that is a flock goat because of colour, may not participate at the World Show, but may participate at Regional and Club Shows.
The following is permissible for stud purposes
Head, Neck & Fore-quarters:
● Complete red coloring is permissible up to but not further than the shoulder blade. On the shoulder it must not go lower than level with the chest.
Barrel, Hindquarter & Belly:
● Only one patch not exceeding 10cm in diameter is permissible.
● The term “legs” means that portion below an imaginary line formed by the chest and the under line. Patches of a maximum of 5cm in diameter are permissible.
● The tail may be red, but the red colour may not continue onto the body for more than 2,5cm.
Red hair and covering:
● Very few red hairs are permissible at the 2 tooth stage.
● Discriminate against too light pigmentation.
Flock Goat
A flock goat is a Boer Goat which does not comply with the stud standards, but has no cull defects. At least 50% of the colour must be white; the other 50% must be red. The red colour of the commercial goat must be 50% continuous without creating the impression of being motley. The rest of the body must be white. If the red colour is in the form of separate markings, it must never give the impression of being motley. Under the tail the flock goat must be at least 25% pigmented. Rams may not be more than 25% red.
Explanation of Breed Standards
In applying these standards there are many aspects which cannot be completely defined. In such cases the inspector or judge must use his discretion. In spite of the breed standards being clear and to the point, it is never the less necessary to supply additional information in respect of certain descriptions. The major part of the body of the goat must be white to make it conspicuous and to facilitate the rounding up of goats in dense terrain. A pigmented skin on the hairless parts, e.g. under the tail, round the eyelids and mouth etc, is absolutely essential, because it offers resistance to sunburn which may result in cancer. A pigmented skin is also more resistant to skin disease. A loose, supple skin is essential for adaptability to climatic conditions. In South Africa, which is a warm and sunny country, an animal with loose skin and short hair is better adapted. In addition, skin of this kind provides additional resistance to external parasites.
General appearance and type
A goat with a fine head, round horns that are bent backwards, a loose, supple skin with folds (especially in rams) and with body parts well fleshed and in perfect balance. The ewe must be feminine, wedging slightly to the front, which is a sign of fertility. The ram is heavier in the head, neck and forequarters. The SA Boer Goat is an animal with symmetry, with a strong, vigorous appearance and fine quality. The ewe must be feminine and the ram masculine.
Fertility of ewes: In order to be able to participate at Regional and Club shows and auctioned at Regional and Club Production Auctions, Boer Goat ewes 6 tooth and older must be visibly pregnant, or positively scanned at the show or auction venue, or accompanied by a pregnancy certificate the date of which is not older than 1 month prior to the start of the show or auction, or who at the discretion is deemed by the inspectors to have lambed previously or to be suckling kids. In order to be able to participate at the World Show and National and World Show Auction Boer Goat ewes 6 tooth and older must be visibly pregnant, or positively scanned at the show or auction venue, or accompanied by a pregnancy certificate the date of which is not older than 1 month prior to the start of the show or auction, or to have suckling kids.
Kalahari Red Breed Standards
Breed Standards
● The Breed standards of the Kalahari Red are the same as the SA Boer Goat with the following two exceptions:
● The ideal is a brown goat with colour shadings that ranges between light brown to dark brown.
Flock Goat
● A flock goat is a Kalahari Red which does not comply with the stud standards, but has no cull defects. At least 75% of the colour must be brown, without creating the impression of being motley.
Savannah Breed Standard
● The Savannah White Goat should be a strong, virile, functionally efficient goat, with a lively but not wild carriage.
● The ewes must be of a medium size but should appear refined and feminine.
● Ewes with lambs at foot should have good mothering ability and should aggressively defend their lambs against dogs and other predators.
● Rams must be masculine, proud, robust and well muscled.
● The Savannah White Goat was developed under very unfavourable environmental conditions and must be able to easily endure unfavourable conditions such as heat, intense sunshine, cold and rain.
● The breed moves easily and can, if necessary, travel long distances in search of fodder and water.
● The Savannah White Goat should also be able to utilize a wide range of vegetation, such as trees, shrubs and small as well as big bushes which are hard and even unpalatable to other farm animals.
● The Savannah must have a long breeding season and should be sexually active and able to breed at any time of the year.
Characteristic Breed Traits
● Lively appearance
● Symmetrical conformation, with legs and body not too long or too short.
● Short kemp white hair. During the winter months the goats develop extra fluffy cashmere hair for protection.
● The goats have strong jaws and strong long lasting well developed teeth.
● Long, productive life.
● The Savannah has a fairly long, slightly curved head and the head has the shape of that of a big-mouth yellow-fish. The head and nose must be fairly broad and not sharp.
● The mouth must be reasonably wide with well muscled jaws. The upper and lower lips must be well muscled and mobile like that of a kudu.
● The teeth of young as well as mature goats in the case of rams, as well as ewes, must bite solidly and correctly on the dental pads of the upper jaws. No jaw or mouth faults will be tolerated, accept eight tooth olds and older may show 6mm protrusion.
● The eyes must be lively and surrounded by black pigmented eyelids, and skin must be protected by well developed eyebrow ridges.
● The ears must be fairly big, of oval shape and hang down next to the head. The ears must be well pigmented and mobile in order to protect the goat against midges (muggies), ticks, gadflies and other insect pests.
● The horns are dark black and grow backwards from the crown of the head. The horns must be strong and oval shaped and must not press against the neck. The horns should not grow wild or be too long. Rams have slightly stronger, heavier horns than ewes. At the base there should be a reasonable width between the horns.
● Ewes as well as rams must be able to use their horns to protect themselves as well as their kids.
Neck, Forequarters, legs and hooves
● The neck is well muscled and reasonably long so that the goat can easily reach as high as possible to browse on branches and pods of various types of the thorn trees.
● The forequarter is well muscled and of medium width; there will be strongly discriminated against a narrow or a very wide forequarter. The front legs are well placed and straight. The cannon bone of both the front and hind legs should be short and strong. The pasterns of the front and hind legs must be strong and springy and must be slightly sloping. Against straight or weak pasterns will be strongly discriminated.
● The hooves of both front and hind legs must be strong, hard, black and reasonably big. The two sections of each hoof must be close to each other.
● The hooves should not be overgrown and the hooves of Savannas must not easily become sore and develop foot rot.
● The scapula’s or shoulder-blades must be strongly attached to the forequarter and withers.
● The processes spinous and withers should be somewhat higher than the back and rump. In the case of older rams, medium sized skinfolds are found on the forequarter.
Back and center piece
● The center piece should be reasonably long and deep on the goat and must possess enough capacity to eat sufficient roughage and to convert it into meat and energy.
● The back and eye muscle (musculus longissimus dorsi) must be strong and wide and not be straight, but should not be weak.
● The centre piece of older animals must not be cylindrical or lack depth.
● The Savannah Goat has well sprung ribs and an oval respiratory centre piece.
Hindquarters and Hindlegs
● The hindquarters should be wide and the hindlegs must be well apart and straight.
● The ramp must show a reasonable slope just like that of the gemsbok (oryx gazella).
● The hindquarters must be well muscled and carry a lot of meat.
● The hocks must be strong and muscular and the tendons of the hocks must be prominent and easily seen. The hocks should not turn in or out and the goat must be able to stand easily on its hindlegs.
● The tail of the Savannah White Goat must be straight up and be well covered with hair and should be very mobile. The bare skin of the tail should also have black pigmentation.
Color, Pigmentation and hair
● The Savannah Goat is totally white. A limited amount of black and red hair is acceptable, but red or black hair must be eliminated.
● Pigmentation must be dark grey to black. Light spots may not appear on Elite ewes and rams. Any shade of pink is a cull defect.
Sexual Organs
● Ewes/Does: Well-formed udder firmly attached with teats as on page 10.
● Rams/Bucks: Two reasonably large, well-formed, healthy and equal sized testes in one scrotum. A scrotum with a split no larger than 2 cm is permissible. The scrotum must be at least 26 cm in circumference.
● A twisted scrotum, or a scrotum of which the points are twisted is a cull defect.
● Rams/Bucks: One teat on each side of the scrotum is ideal; two on a side is acceptable until 26 January 2011.
● Ewes/Does: 2 Functional teats are ideal. Double teats are not acceptable, but one teat with 2 wholes are acceptable, but must be eliminated. Teats with a small blind teat are acceptable. The maximum teats on a side are 3: 2 functional and one small and blind, OR 1 functional and 2 small and blind. Functional teats with a small blind teat are acceptable. ALL TEATS MUST BE SEPARATE FROM EACH OTHER.
Cull Defects
● Over- or undershot jaw
● Knock knees, bandy legs, cow hocked or post legged or sickle hocked. Legs too thin or too fleshy. Weak pasterns and hoofs pointing outwards or inwards.
● Faulty sexual organs and udders.
● Any deviation from the normal body structure that will harm the functional effectiveness of the Savannah.
● Incomplete or too light skin pigmentation.
Herewith the Official SABGBA version of the History and Origin of the various Breeds
History and Origin of the SA Boer Goat
(Prof E Terblanche – Hierjy Boerbok!)
Goats were already here when the Whites arrived in South Africa. Various researchers and authors, such as Schreiner (1898), Barrow (1801), Pepler (1886), Epstein (1972) and others, tried to describe and explain the origins of the Boer goat and how it got here. Europe, India, Egypt and Nubia were mentioned and the routes from North Africa to South Africa were probably along the west and east coasts.
The Whites first came across the goats at around 1661 in the vicinity of the present Clanwilliam and the Namaquas whose goats they were declared that they came from the Batlapin clan in Botswana. The import of milk goats from Switzerland and Germany at the beginning of the 20th century contributed to the establishment of a Boer goat over the years that, in fact, represented a variety of types.
Van Rensburg (1938) considered the goats found in South Africa and classified them as follows:
1. Milk goats (pure imported breeds)
2. Angoras or silky goats and
3. Boer goats
The Boer goats in turn are classified as:
- The common Boer goat, such as the
- dapple
- brindle
- underdeveloped ear
- white Boer goat
- The coat of long hair
- The polled and elongated eared
- The common Boer goat is a compact, fine quality, short-haired goat with a regular build, popular among butchers for its skin and meat. In good condition, the goat can be slaughtered at a young age. The goat ewes give ample milk and are generally popular. The following sub-types occur in this group:
- The dappled
- The brindle, with its definitive coloring on the head, namely yellow and brown patches around the eyes, on the cheeks and mouth.
- The underdeveloped ear. Similar to the karakul, Boer goats also present variations in the size of the ear, and the types with a small, underdeveloped ear, sometimes
too small to mark, is known as the “underdeveloped ear” type. - The white Boer goat, sometimes with a brown neck and head. All colors occur.
- The coat of long hair. It has a heavy head, heavy horns, heavy shoulders, coarse legs and hooves and coarse meat. The long-haired coat covers the hindquarters only or the entire body. It can be slaughtered only when it is fully grown and in good condition. It has a rough, heavy skin.
- The long-haired and polled. This type was obtained through cross-breeding with imported milk types; sometimes the pure milk types are called by the same name. It has a light, fine head without horns, hooked nose, long ears and the build of the milk type; is usually short-haired and all colors occur. Most Boer goat flocks were a mixture of these types and so hybridized that it was difficult to classify them accurately according to type.
Van Rensburg (1938) states, “that although little attention was paid to the breeding of Boer goats in the past, there were those progressive farmers who started paying attention to the selection and breeding of Boer goats, particularly in the districts where intensive cultivation occurred. Thus classes for adjudication according to different ages were instituted at some shows; however, there was a lack of the required data and uniformity of adjudication.”
In collaboration with some of the farmers, buyers’ and butchers’ data was collected, and in spite of limited literature on the subject, a scale of points for Boer goats was designed that later formed the basis when a scale of points was needed for the refined Boer goat.
History and Origin of the Kalahari Red
About the first Kalahari Reds in the late Eighties
In the Seventies the farmers first started collecting these red goats, now known as Kalahari Reds, from the four corners of South Africa and Namibia. Mr Ben Vorster, of Tshipese in the Limpopo Province, farmed north of the Soutpansberg. His lands consisted mainly of Mopanie trees with many other indigenous trees and shrubs. He had a Boer goat stud of 200 ewes. One ewe in his Boer goat stud gave birth to one red lamb and one Boer goat lamb every year. On their reaching maturity, he noticed the unique properties of the red lambs and he immediately started contacting other farmers and collecting all the red and red-dappled lambs. This collection process took him as far afield as Namibia where he came across more red goats. He ended up with thirty red goats that he started breeding with.
In 1994 an American who visited Tollie Jordaan, renowned Boer goat farmer of the farm Grootvlakte in the Somerset East district, convinced him to farm with brown goats. After the American had left, Tollie bought 8 brown goats, but he was unsatisfied with the goats’ heads and conformation. Yet he soon realised that there was nothing wrong with the fecundity, mothering traits and adaptability of the brown goats. At that stage good rams were in short supply. His search also took him to Namibia to get hold of genetic material. In later years Tollie excelled in his breeding and for many years he has been the Breeder of Champions at the World Shows.
In 1991 Albie Horn of the farm Hartebeeshoek in De Aar spotted the remarkable properties of the brown goats. He greatly emphasized the mothering traits of the brown goat, as well as it hardiness and adaptability to the Kalahari desert area where he farmed. Albie was the first president of the Kalahari Red Breeders’ Association from 1999 to 2004.
During a visit to America, Louis van Rensburg, a recognized and experienced farmer of many small stock breeds, of the farm Wonderpan in Prieska in the Northern Cape, saw many brown goats, or Solid Reds as the Americans called them. Like Tollie, he too was convinced by the Americans to start farming with brown goats. On his return to South Africa he used a brown Boer goat ram from his own Boer goat stud to service ten Boer goat ewes. Not one lamb was brown or even dappled. He decided to put the lambs back with their sire. In that mating season all the lambs were brown or dappled. In a few years Louis had 120 brown lambs in his kraal. Louis contributed very much to performance testing in the Kalahari Reds and the registration of Kalahari Red breeders with Studbook SA. He succeeded Albie Horn as president in 2004 and served in this office up to 2010.
Chris Strauss and Johnny Markram also collected brown lambs on their farms. Chris and Johnny who were both livestock agents used the opportunity to purchase brown ewes from the farmers whose goats they marketed.
On 28 June 1996 Louw Pretorius of Landbouweekblad (Farmers Weekly) heard about Ben Vorster’s ewes and decided to write an article on them. After this article had been published, farmers became aware of one another and began communicating.
In 1998 the goats were shown with the Savannas in Bloemfontein, under the name of Brown Savanna. The aspiration to have an own breed was a great driving force.
On 5 July 1999 the Kalahari Red Club was founded in Kimberley.
At a Kalahari red club meeting it was suggested that the name Kalahari Red be used. Kalahari was an internationally known name and referred to South Africa. Red refers to the colour of the sand in the Kalahari where the goats were grazing.
The Club was managed by its members until 19 October 2004, where, during an Annual General Meeting at Kuruman, it was decided to engage with the SA Boer Goat Breeders’ Association. Louis van Rensburg, the president of the Kalahari Reds at that stage, in collaboration with Tolle Jordaan, were instrumental in the signing of the collaboration agreement.
On close examination, all the meat goats in the country stem from indigenous goats. However, selection and breeding resulted in the various meat goat breeds in the country today.
In the collaboration agreement with the respective associations it was decided to emphasize the strong features of every breed and not to focus on their differences.
History and Origin of the Savannah
The development of the white Savanna goat began in 1955, on the farm of Messrs. DSU Cilliers and Sons, in a low care area along the Vaal River where temperatures and rainfall vary greatly and the goats were expected to adapt, survive and breed on typical savannah veld. Local multicolored floppy ear goat ewes and a large white goat ram were used as base herd. The result was a fertile, heat, parasite and drought tolerant goat with good meat characteristics.
Growth in the interest of the Savannah goat has led to the recognition of the goat as a distinctive breed. The Savanna Goat Breeders’ Association was established in 1993.
General Description
A medium to large white floppy ear goat with a thick motile skin and a short smooth coat. Despite the white color, the Savannah goat is very well pigmented and all hairless areas are colored black to brown.
● Fertile with good maternal characteristics. Ewes lamb on the field and bond well with their lambs.
● Multiple births.
● Good growth from the field.
● Balanced carcass with low fat and soft tasty meat.
● Very efficient food seekers, graze well, utilize grasses and control forest and weeds very effectively.
● Well pigmented.
● Parasite resistant / tolerant
● Heat tolerant
● Even temperament easy care with maximum profit.
Breeding Policy
In terms of Our Constitution, the Council of the US-SABGBA must compile a breeding policy that complies with the requirements contained in the Constitution:
● Objective measurement of all measurable economically significant traits.
● Standard of excellence for visual evaluation.
A sound breeding policy for a meat production goat must be based on the following requirements:
Reproduction rate is the most important trait that affects the profitability of stock farming. The factors that affect reproduction rate, among others, and for which breeders must select in their breeding policy are the following:
1.1 Net reproduction rate
Fecundity is an important economic trait. Every Boer goat ewe must have a lambing interval of fewer than 365 days. Rams contribute 50% to breeding and it is therefore very important that breeding rams are fertile. High libido and mating skill are requirements for breeding sires. Fecundity and milk production must always be measured relative to one another as in a ewe production index (EPI). The ultimate goal must be to have ewes that regularly wean heavy lambs. Be particularly careful of ewes who often have multiple births but are incapable of raising them properly.
1.2 Milk production
The quantity of milk of a lactating ewe is measured by the growth capacity of her lambs. The lactating udder must be well attached and developed with good teats a lamb can easily nurse from. Milk production and mothering traits are the basic components of meat production on which commercial goat farming is based.
1.3 Mothering traits
This mystical trait of a ewe to be able to care for her lamb can be measured only in the weight of the weaned lamb. It provides the mother with a special ability to overcome shortcomings or defects, such as calabash teats, vermin, etc. This trait may never be ignored in any selection program.
2.1 Growth capacity
The majority of goats in SA are marketed based on weight. Profitability is determined by the total weight of lambs weaned per year. In selecting meat goats for growth capacity two factors must be considered:
● Weaning weight
Weaning weight is largely an indication of the ewe’s milk production and mothering traits, but it also gives a good indication of the lamb’s own growth potential.
● Post-wean weight
The increase in weight after weaning is an indication of the lamb’s genetic ability to produce progeny that will weigh heavier at weaning age. Although it is less important
than weaning weight, this weight can be used to monitor late maturing animals as well as identify animals that adapt well under NATURAL production conditions.
2.2 Hardiness and adaptability
The animal’s growth in the post-wean phase is a good indication of its genetic ability as regards these traits. Great emphasis must be put on the importance, during this period, of not using only feedlot conditions in selecting breeding animals. Boer goats must have the capacity to produce and reproduce under different natural pasture and climatic conditions.
Conformation – standard of excellence
Since 1959 Boer goats have been strictly selected and improved to measure the ideal Boer goat against the breed standards as compiled by the SA Boer Goat Breeders’ Association. On this similar historical foundation the breed standards of the Kalahari Reds and Savannahs were also taken up in the Standard of Excellence of the SA Boer goat. As members of this association we affirm that these breed standards will always be striven toward in the improvement of our goats. In applying these breed standards, the following must be particularly noted:
● The emphasis is on functional effectiveness. Traits such as movement, muscling, vitality, traits that are signs of fecundity, etc.
Non-functional traits: Poor or no movement, no visual muscling, fat localisation, unfeminine and unmasculine conformation, etc.
● The extent of phenotypical defects determines the disqualification of the breed standards.
Recording of Boer goats
Members of the association may own one or more flocks that consist of:
● A recorded flock (Group C or B).
● A registered flock (Group A).
● OR both.
● Group D (no recording and no registration).
The method according to which registration or the recording system will take place is fully set out and discussed in the Regulations to the Constitution. This process of registration and recording also forms the basis of our breeding policy, as underwritten by the association.
Online Student Book Link:
To our Members, herewith the online student book. Please note that the book is bilingual in Afrikaans and English so when you do open it and you are on an Afrikaans page please keep scrolling until you get to the equivalent in English.
Boer Goat Photos

Adult Ram (Buck) This Ram (buck) named Wilhelm was a top ram in the Conrad Herbst Boer Goat Stud and he died of natural causes a few years ago. Please not the exceptional balance of the animal. His Length, width and depth, combined with an well shaped masculine head and full chest is in perfect harmony. The animal is a s close as you can get to the “Perfect Picture”

Adult ewe/doe. This animal was bred by Mr. Douw vd Merwe of Hokaai Boerbok Stoet, South Africa.

Herewith a photo of exceptional good looking young Boer Goat ewes. Bred by Riekie de Witt of South Africa.

Young Boer Goat Ram/buck at age 99days. This was “Chivas” bred by Conrad Herbst, he weighed 33.3kg (73.4lbs) when weaned on 99days. He later became one of the largest and heaviest rams/bucks ever in South Africa. Below a picture of him 3 years later.



Perfect young Kalahari Red ewe/doe bred by Jaco vd Merwe.

If you have an udder with multiple teats on a side, it should be clear and separate to look like this. Cluster teats are not allowed.